Art Galleries
Broad and Cassel
Children's Shows
Concert / Staging
Corporate Sets / Business Theatre
Disney Conference Room
Futuristic Set
Game Shows
Gaylord Palms
High End Wood & Laminate
JW Marriott
Ripley's San Antonio
Ripley's Time Square
Scenic Painting
Sculpted Sets
Sesame Street
Talk Show / News Anchor Set
Theme / Amusement Parks
Theme Party Sets
Toys R Us
Trade Show / Displays
Wild Shapes

Game Shows

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This picture is of the Flamingo Fortune Logo Sign we created for the Florida Lottery and Sony Game Show Network. It is 10’ wide X 12’6" tall steel / wood construction and has neon and chasing P-lites as well as foam core lettering.
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This is a wide angle shot of a portion of Flamingo Fortune showing part of 3 of the 4 sets we built for Sony as well as some background scenery we built / revamped.

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This is a very complex 2 sided set piece we built for Sony. It is a 14’ 3 phase, multidirectional, variable speed, full aluminum frame turntable. With sculpted hardcoated / scenically painted money bags with sentra dollars, light boxes neon, roto casted pigs, with mechanical actuated doors, interior prize light boxes and built in confetti cannons. All go off in sequence from individual trip switches for each pig. Oh yeah, and one foam mallet and beautiful hostess. Round 2 is on back side.
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This is the Florida’s Jackpot Card Game and Logo Sign. The Las Vegas style logo / prize sign is 18’ tall and 12’ wide with mechanical rotating Flamingo coin, neon light boxes and borders 124 randomly programmable chasing p-lites and prize sinage board. The Florida’s bill board is a 10’ x 12’ wooden constructed rolling billboard mural with light boxes, neon borders and custom made lamps.
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This is round one of the Crack the Code Game which is a wooden constructed metal laminate rolling set with 2 built in safes and ATM slots surrounded by brushed aluminum channel lettering bordered with neon. And tower light box with sculpted hardcoated end cap and neon.
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This is round 2 of Crack the Code. It is a wooden constructed metal laminated vault with a custom built door and steel hinge. It has an ATM slot, light box tower Styrofoam sculpted end cap and neon borders.
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This is the live on air Cash 3 / Play 4 facades we built for the State of Florida Lottery.
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This is a wide angle shot of the Reel to Reel Game Show with Peter Marshal built for Til Productions and Paxon Network. The set is 12’ tall and consist of 3 areas camera left is main game board a 10’ film reel with seven 3’ film reels inside containing a total of 49 programmable light boxes with programmable neon trim bordering all this is hooked up to a 7 brick multi-function programmable game show control computer system. The top of the set is wrapped with a multilevel vacuform border with inlayed neon and surrounded by 7 light box towers center area is a 3 step laminated pedestal with a 13’ wide wall inset with a 8x12 rear projection screen. The right side is a series of CNC cut custom metal laminator soji screen panels backed in 1000H vellum and two of these panels are sliding door systems backed by a scenic vacuform trim wall for contestants to enter. Oh yeah, did I mention the host podium and contestant podium with random access control buttons to game board and light boxes. Available
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Close up of Reel to Reel game board / Peter Marshal and 25 x 160 white background cyc. Available
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Camera right close up of Reel to Reel contestant area, podium and two digitally controlled score boards. Available
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Reel round 2 rolling film reel riser to seat host and 4 contestant / stars for questions. Available
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Reel to Reel Game Show round 2 with closed contestant doors. Available
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Reel to Reel Game Show with open contestant doors. Available

Maryland Lottery

When Sony and the Maryland lottery asked us to build and install several sets for their Game show we were honored.

Maryland Lottery

This is Dice way, an auto body quality car with pneumatic air rams that flip the farring rolling the dice activated by plungers on the contestant podiums.

Maryland Lottery

This is Paycheck Bonus, an oversized rolling checkbook with scenic check and letter flats With monitor counter gag and podium.

Maryland Lottery

This is Round 1 of Crab Cash a 2 part interactive game on a rolling wagon with molded crabs on a mechanical slide holding prize light boxes.

Dennis Clegg
Chief Operating Officer
C&S Themed Events and Environments
Office 407-826-9075
Fax 407-826-9095
6127 Cyril Ave.
Orlando, Florida 32809
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