Art Galleries
Broad and Cassel
Children's Shows
Concert / Staging
Corporate Sets / Business Theatre
Disney Conference Room
Futuristic Set
Game Shows
Gaylord Palms
High End Wood & Laminate
JW Marriott
Ripley's San Antonio
Ripley's Time Square
Scenic Painting
Sculpted Sets
Sesame Street
Talk Show / News Anchor Set
Theme / Amusement Parks
Theme Party Sets
Toys R Us
Trade Show / Displays
Wild Shapes


  • 29 daily network cable shows
  • 46 top ten artists concerts
  • 55 television specials
  • 28 award shows
  • 9 network series
  • 15 music videos
  • 2 movies
  • 73 trade shows
  • 1 mini movie
  • 14 theme park venues
  • 1000+ themed events
  • 5 national magazine photo shoots
  • 18 Disney TV specials
  • 100+ interactive museum exhibits
  • 2 Disney series
  • 10 TV series pilots
  • 100+ interactive displays
  • 25 themed retail/restaurant venues
  • 36 misc. live shows (Universal, etc.)
  • 100+ permanent themed environments
  • 50 infomercials
  • 5 nationally syndicated series
  • 1 documentary
  • 14 national talk shows
  • 500+ national network commercials
  • 200+ corporate business sets
  • 18 weekly network game shows
  • 16 telethons/fundraisers

Click for reference credits Our RENTAL DIVISION includes over 25,000 square feet of set walls & complete sets, ready to rent, over 10,000SF of adjustable height concert and show staging. Expandable Bleacher units to seat over 500 people, hundreds of props, staging pieces, cyc's and many types of scenic and designer hardwood and TV tile floors.

We have in-house personnel highly experienced in scenic construction and artistry, sculpting and mold making, high-end woodworking & special surfaces, and set/stage design and construction. Our purpose is to get on your bid list for any and all upcoming projects. C & S Themed Environments's excellent references and proven track record give you high quality sets on time and on budget . . . every time.

We would like to meet with you & show you photos and a video portfolio of a few of our projects. C & S Themed Events and Environments assures you of competitive pricing and still that personal touch of a medium size shop. NO JOB IS TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL . . . past projects ranged from $100.00 to $1,500,000.00. t2flamingo.jpg (6601 bytes)
This is a wide angle shot of a portion of Flamingo Fortune showing part of 3 of the 4 sets we built for Sony as well as some background scenery we built / revamped. 

t12pets.jpg (10612 bytes)
Wide angle of Petsburgh USA built for Animal Planet Daily Network Cable talk show about ... you guessed it, animals, pets, etc., (How’d you know!) This set peaks out at 26' tall in the center. We designed and custom built steel animal cage towers through out, a massive sculpted stones and boulders, fish tank surrounds, a real functional 3’x6’x3’ tub. Two 150 gallon aquariums inset into a scenically painted stucco Mediterranean style villa that takes up an entire sound stage. Webuilt soji screen light boxes, vacuform roof tiles, scenically painted decks, functional doors and gates, rolling work tables/ cabinets and a large faux stone floor.   

t15health.jpg (8474 bytes) American Health Network original Mall set center stage  area showing 2 scenically painted tapered cylindrical sculpted columns  surrounded by stain grade birch headers with black lacquer  mullions surrounding ABET Laminati Millerighe Metal  Laminate bed and recessed halogen low voltage lighting in   laminate   soffit functional aluminum storefront doors recessed  laminate logo area with custom Armadillo fin ceiling piece and  sculpted   laminate demo table.   

t26heaven.jpg (6684 bytes)     This picture of an antique alter table has special meaning to me.  Dolly Parton had a series pilot in Orlando and they couldn't find an old  period alter table to match existing found pieces. They sent a P.A. over  to me with a Polaroid and said they had an existing piece damaged the day of the shoot and needed one to blend in (in that afternoon). So, I  hopped in the truck, drove to the local lumber yard picked out a bunch  of found trim / detail items, designed this piece in my head on the way  back to my shop. I started creating and doing the scenic myself because all of my crew were busy on other projects. Five and a half hours later I delivered  this set piece personally in order for them to finish shooting that day  

t27food.jpg (10006 bytes)     Food Groupies PBS children's pilot show set (kitchen) 16x20'. Kitchen area with faux wall treatment, heavy trim detail recessed arched bookcases with custom raw moldings faux finished cabinetry laminated countertops and checkerboard vinyl floor.   

t33vamp.jpg (9825 bytes)     This is the fireplace wall from the movie Vampyre Wars. It is 20'  tall 72' wide and has 3' deep 18' wide and 16' tall arches on either side. The fireplace opening is 6' x 6' and we used (2) 300lbs. cylinder of propane to fuel the huge fire place. The entire set is built of 3" hard flats with hand sculpted foam stones throughout. (This project was shared by several  companies.) unlike the rest of my pictures.   

t90.jpg (6176 bytes)     This picture is of a 30 x 30 modular all laminate trade show booth we created for a traveling sales company. It is 100% plywood construction with inset KV standards and hardware, milk white plexi light boxes fluorescent fixtures throughout. The laminate is accented with gold and black powder coated hardware and black satin trim.   

Dennis Clegg
Chief Operating Officer
C&S Themed Events and Environments
Office 407-826-9075
Fax 407-826-9095
6127 Cyril Ave.
Orlando, Florida 32809
Driving directions

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